What is Baltic Amber?

Where does Baltic Amber come from?

Baltic Amber is sourced from the Baltic Rim, primarily the Sambian Peninsula and the Bay of Gdsansk, an area that lies between Poland and Lithuania on the Baltic Sea. It is estimated that 90% of Baltic Amber in the world comes from this region. Baltic Amber is fossilised tree resin from ancient conifer trees that grew in the Baltic region 40-60 million years ago.

Baltic Amber has been in used for thousands of years for it medicinal and therapeutic properties. It’s first medicinal documentation is dates back to 1491 when it is mentioned in the Hortus Sanitatis (Latin translation is ‘The Garden of Health’) an encyclopedia of natural remedies and perfect medicines, written by Jacob Meydenbach, in Mainz, Germany. The encyclopedia was specifically intended to assist readers, and Meydenbach’s book was considered to be highly influential in its time. Amber is mentioned on several occasions, along with many other semi precious stones, ores and minerals.
Map of the Baltic Region
Various Amber Pendants In Sterling Silver in a display case

Amber Research

A research study has shown that Baltic amber contains the highest concentration of succinic acid (3-8%) of any type of amber. There is a high concentration of succinic acid in the amber cortex, the stone’s external layer.

​ It has been proven that Baltic amber has healing properties based on scientific research. As a soothing remedy for headaches, sore necks, sore throats, and chest congestion, Baltic amber can be used in a number of ways.

​ Researchers continue to debate amber’s mysterious effects, but succinic acid most likely holds the key. Baltic amber is the only type of amber to contain this acid in high concentrations (3-8%). It has been proposed that succinic acid is released from the amber when the body’s warmth causes it to release it. Analgesic effects are then produced by the acid.

In addition, other theories suggest that wearing amber on the skin can soothe teething babies or relieve rheumatism, aching muscles, and joint pain in adults. Another theory, based on scientific findings, suggests that amber is electromagnetically active and, therefore, has a significant amount of organic energy.

​ Its special attribute is electronegativity. Wearing amber produces negative ionization on the skin’s surface.This, in turn, has a positive influence on the human body. The negative ions assist in the prevention of illness.These health-promoting effects apply to babies, children and adults alike.
Insect trapped inside a piece of amber

Damselfly in Amber

Amber with inclusions

Pine Cone In Amber

Page from a book

Tractatus De lapidus, Ortus sanitatis (Mainz: Jacob Meydenbach, June 23, 1491)

Raw Amber

Raw Balic Amber

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